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Ways in which you can educate yourself

and your peers about the Model Minority Myth

and how you take action against anti-Asian racism

How to learn and educate:

Further research can be done through the utilization of various sources, such as journals, videos, and novels. Above, is a video that briefly summarizes and explains what the Model Minority Myth is, which seems to be made for those with surface-level curiosity. On the right, there are examples of a few novels centered around the Model Minority Myth and Asian American experience, which are good sources towards the expansion of your understanding. In short, there are many levels of depth in which the myth can be understood.

To get started, simply educating yourself about the Model Minority Myth or refreshing your understanding of the concept will help with articulating your thoughts into words.

How to spread awareness and advocate:


During this modern era of a technology-based culture and society, it is evident that social media is the best medium of communication for spreading awareness and advocating for the things that you care about. It's become as simple as clicking a button to post, repost, retweet, like, or share. Giving exposure to social issues through the subconscious practices that we are already well-versed in are steps towards the overall destination of advocacy. 


How to take action and contribute:


During this devastating era of unnecessary anti-Asian violence being expressed, it is priority to help put an end to these crimes. If possible, help report any crimes that are witnessed. This can be done at 
Reporting crimes helps with keeping track of incidents and helps with giving every victim

the visibility and justice they deserve.

Being physically involved is another important way of taking action. A prime example of this is joining movements and rallies in support of Asian communities within America. Recently, there have been many rally events centered around Stopping Asian Hate in regard to COVID-19.  
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Another easy method of taking action is through donations. If possible, support and donate to causes and organizations in need, such as Stop APPI Hate or to victims directly.
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